The new address 3 boulevard Clemenceau
 Edward Mills, Tu m’énerves parce que je t’aimes,  large drawing, Posca on Canson, 150 x 150 cm, 3500 euros
Harold Ambellan, petit bronze
 MANIFESTE AESTHETIC, Chat GPT Manifeste Car, life size FOIAT Panda Installation, embroidered crosses on Provencal sheets, price on request
Wilfried Prager, 2023, 50 x 61, 3500 euros
Qiu Jie, Sunflowers d’Après Van Gogh, coloured ink on rice paper, 65 x 65 cm, 3500 euros
Tzim Tzum; oil on canvas, 190 x 200 cm, price on request
Manifeste Aesthethic, Julien Batifol, sérigraphie sur papier Canson, 54 x 64  cm, edition de 50, 150 euros (plus postage 25 euros) aussi disponible en format 130 x 170 cm, affiche cinema
Wilfried Prager, Somewhere on the Tree of Life, oil on canvas, 160 x 180 cm, price on request
Zhang Haiying, oil on canvas, 188 x 130 cm, price on request
Qiu Jie, Nude, mine on Canson, 80 x 60 cm, 5 000 euros
 We have just passed through one of the difficult periods of this contemporary period. The world has been shut down by a virus. People are recovering slowly from the psychological aftermath.  The gallery name BELLE [bɛl]. n. f. BEAU [bo]. n. m. which
Ambellan, Moulures sur papier, 250 euros
Renaud Gilles, oil on canvas, 250 x 250 cm, price on request
Ji Dahai, Red Vine, Paravent sur soie, 275 cm, price on request
Yang Jinsong, oil on canvas, 155 x 125 cm, price in request
 Bruno Testore-Schmidt, Gender Bender, acryliuc on canvass, small format, price on request
Bruno Testore-Schmidt, Gender bender series, acrylic on canvas, small format, price on request
Ye Nan, I am your Maze, oil on canvas, 220 x 350 cm, price on request
Yang Jinsong, ink on Canson, paper, 50 x 70 cm
Gao Brothers, Van Gogh Messiah, oil on C-print, oeuvre à quatre mains, 75 x 55 cm, price on request
  Phenix Varbanox, ink on paper, 180 x 110 cm, 2500 euros
Two Swallows, mine de plomb on paper, 240 x 166 cm, price on request
Han Bing, Nude on rocks Amor Mundi, 60 x 80 cm, edition of 7, with certificate, 2000 euros
Bruno Testore-Schmidt, Diamond paintings, acrylic on canvas, 140 x 120 cm, diptyche, 10 000 euros
Yang Jinsong, Waves, oil on canvas, 180 x 130 cm, price on request
Pan Yue, Ballet révolutionnaire, C-print, edition 2/30, 128 x 84 cm, 1000 euros
 Phenix Varbanov, ink on rice paper xuanzhi, 180 x 110 cm, 2500 euros
Ali Reza Massoumi, Nu, acrylique  sur toile,  180 x 220 cm
Yang Jinsong, gouache on paper, waves, 60 x 80 cm approximately
Cynthia Copper, Salt, 100 x 80 cm, 250 euros unframed, edition of ten
Louis Oppman, huile sur papier kraft, 80 x 90 cm, 1200 euros
Qin Yifeng, Line series, oil on paper, 75 x 57 cm approximately
Micheal Flomen, Crunch,  20 x 30 cm, unique edition, 700 euros. Prune Vidal, Venus black and white, Venus on stairs, 50 x 70 cm, 7 edtions, 700 euros, Ornella Vorpsi,  Red, C-print, 30/ 50
Gilles Serrand, La Femme du Pécheur, 40 x 60 cm, edition de sept, 1000 euros
Cynthia Copper, Uighur Girl, C-print, 40 x 60 cm, 250 euros unframed
Maruti Shelke, Nude, oil on canvas, 85 x 56 cm, 1500 euros
Harold Ambellan, ink and gouache on paper 20 x 24 cm, 600 euros
Qiu Jie, Cat, engraving, edition, 1000 euros framed
Michael Flomen, Crunch, snow on photographic paper, unique 600 euros framed
Khaled El Saai, Swing, oil on canvas,  100 x 175 cm, price on request
Matthew Rose, Target, Collage, 50 x 50 cm, 1000 euros
Maruti Shelke, Lady in red, oil on canvass, 118 x 52 cm, price in request
Ru Xiaofan, Sunflowers, huile sur toile, 92 x 73 cm, price on request
Matthew Rose, Venus photocopy art on paper, (25 euros plus 12 euros postage if needed), format A4
Harold Ambellan,mine sur papier,  26 x 41 cm, 45.5 x 55 cm, 1500 euros
Pan Yue, D'Après Gabrielle d'Estrées, 85 x 72, edition of ten, 2200 euro
Chang Lei, Animal Farm,  C-print, 57 x 119 cm, edition of 12, 1500 euros bigger sizes available
Gao Brothers, 20 People Hired to Hug, edition of ten 68 x 100 cm, price on request
Yang Qian, Lithograph, 80 x 100 cm, edition of 200, 1200 euros framed
Renaud Gilles, oil on canvas, Flowers,  170 x 140 cm
Misia 'O, Victoria, Fine Art print on Dibond 2mm, edition of 5, 70 x 100 cm, 1500 euros
Qi Wenzhang, oil on canvas, 40 x 60 cm
Renaud Gilles, Rose et vert, acrylic on canvas, 164 x 132 cm
Renaud Gilles, Finished Unfinished, 250 x 250 cm, oil on canvas, price on request
Manifeste Aesthethic on black marble, stele hand carved, 2000 eruros
Christina Giran, Eve and Adam, Flamingos,  146 x 228 cm,  5500 euros
Sheng Qi, Oil on canvas, details on demand
Gao Xiang, Girl in a Red Dress, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm
Clover, digital print on paper 30 x 40 cm
Qin Yifeng, Line series, 70 x 50 cm
Qiu Jie, Sailor, dazibao pencil on paper Canson, 80 x 60 cm (sold)
Golden scroll price and details by request
Han Bing room
Zhang Hongxiang, Childhood Amnesia: Rhinoceros, 180 x 540 cm, unframed, unique piece, price on request
Renaud Gilles, peinture blanche sur canvas, 140 x 180 cm
Michael Flomen, Snow photos, 20 x 30 cm framed, 600 euros
Merde de pigeon et manifeste Aesthetic, oeuvre unique sur papier, A4, 150 euros
Khaled El Saai, Jazz Night, oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm, price on request
Zhang Haiying, Shame parade, oil on canvas, 220 x 190 cm
Han Bing, Mating Season: Sexual Fantasy with a Knife, C-print, 70 x 70 cm
Han Bing, Walking the Cabbage on Tiananmen, 2000, C-print, edition 12Tianamen
Harold Ambellan, sculpture en terre cuite, 25 x 27 cm, price on request
 Harold Ambellan, La Marianne, graffiti à l’huile, 81 x 60 cm, price on request, Voile en cuivre sur socle, 14 cm, 1000 euros
Joel Person, Cheval Dragon, 60 x 145, pierre noire sur papier, price on request with Girl, mine sur paper 30 x 50 cm
Gabriel Jones, Dan, Silkscreen de photo vintage, édition limitée, 68 x 53 cm, 1000 euros
Lu Fei Fei, Lu Fei Fei, Les filles, C-print unframed, edition of 10, 69 x 65 cm, 1500 euros
Pradeep Mishra, Cranes, oil on canvas, 176 x 270 cm, price on request
Xu Zhongmin, Acrobats, oil on canvas,  320 x 270 cm
Kang Can, Lipstick, 100 x 50 cm, 3000 eruos
Dai Guangyu, Tian Zhi Dao, C-print, large format, edition of 10
Harold Ambellan room,La Marianne, graffiti sur toile, 81 x 60 cm, 4000 euros, Couple 2 huile sur toile 69 x 53 cm, 3500 euros; Sculpture en terre cuite, largeur 25 hauteur 27 cm, 4500 euros
Xu Zhongmin, Acrobats, huile sur toile, 290 cm x 205 cm
Cynthia Copper, Live for Humanity, archival print, 40 x 60 cm, ediitions of ten 1200 euros
Harold Ambellan, pastel sur papier Canson 56 x 45 cm, 12OO euros
Diana Lui, Gare de l’Est, 32 x 42 cm, edition of ten
Ambellan room, Venus, bronze hauteur 18 cm, 1200 euros; Venus terre cuite, hauteur 11 cm par 4 cm, 800 euros
Renaud Gilles, Finished Unifinished, oil on canvas, 3,50m x 2m
Harold Ambellan, Adam, aquarelle et fusain sur papier, 80 x 65 cm, 22000 sans cadre
 Cynthia Copper, Tibet, 1994, tirage numérique, 50 x 70 cn, unlimited, 250 euros
Han Bing, Amor Mundi, tirage C-print, 83 x 58, edition 7/12, signé, price on request
Harold Ambellan, Couple 2, 66 x 81 cm, oil on canvas, 4000 euros
Bruno Testore-Schmidt, Assemblage, various sizes and prices
Zhang Runshi, private collection, small oil on canvas
Unknown, Stars group,  period of Stars from 1989 Beijing Spring, 40 x 30 cm
Han Bing, Love in the Age of Big Construction, C-print edition of 12, 75 x 75 cm
Qin Yifeng, oil on canvas, 80 x 65 cm , price on request
Gao Brothers 20 People Paid to Hug 2001 is part of the private collection of the gallery. It represents a scene evocative of the Last Supper but representing the Hug performances the Gao Brothers have
Vu Dan Tan, Box with Malboro cigarette packages, dragon, 40 x 30 cm
Kang Can, Lipstick, oil on canvas, 100 x 50 cm, 3000 euros
Harold Ambellqn, Couple, bronze, hauteur 12 largeur 9 cm, price on request
Qiu Jie, Gravure, Nude,mine de plomb sur papier Canson,  80 x 60 cm
Han Bing, ...
The rhinoceros caged rue de Grille
Pan Yue Ballet révolutionnaire, C-print, édition de 2/30, 128 x 84 cm, 1000 euros
Naomi Cook,  Clover, tirage digital inkjet sur papier quadrillé, encadré, 29.21 x 27.94 cm (32 x 32 avec le cadre), edition de 5 euros, 300 euros
Vu Dan Tan, Venus, 40 x 30 cm, box, price on request
Matthew Rose, Breaker II, collage 70 x 70 cm, 1200 euros
Ambellan Couple, sac de la Mrine Américaine 1940, huile sur toile, 66 x 81 cm, 400 euros
Ambellan studio
Cynthia Copper, A Woman in the Desert Does not Know her Own Beauty, Epson Print on Canson paper, edition of 10, 110 x 80 cm
Cynthia Copper Benjamin, The Woman in the desert, tirage numérique,  80 x 60 cm, 250 euros
 Thierry Chomel, tirages argentiques encadrés, série de neuf, 30 x 40cm, 750 euros chacune
Edmond Li Bellefroid, King Covid, Engraving, edition,  price on request
Renaud Gilles, Yellow, oil on canvas, 220 x 165 cm
Li Yi Jun, Night-cape, small canvas
Julie de Sousa, tirage argentique, tirage papier baryté d'après négatif 24 x 36 cm, 8 exemplaires dont 2 AP,  0 x 120 cm prix sur demande
Cynthia Copper, Orchha Girl, avalaible 40 x 60 cm, 250 euros
Rainy Season, three prints, 2001 sold with new print, C-print DIASEC, édition de 10, 63,5 x 78,5 cm. 1200 each sold with new print  (postage to be calculated)
Naomi Cook, Clin d'oeil à Napoleon, embroidery on jacquard from a photograph (price and details by request)
Gao Xiang, Dreams, oil on canvas, 200x160cm,2016 ,  price on request
Naomi Cook, Quadrifolium, embroidery on jacquard based on a photograph, price and details on request
Yang Jinsong, Wave, detail
Last work to the right, Cynthia Copper,  Live for Humanity, 40 x 60 or 50 x 70 cm depending on paper and print 400-1000 euros
Monumental Poetry, suite
Cynthia Copper; Woman in the Desert, digital print on Canson paper,  x cm, 80 x 120 cm
Han Bing, Mating Season: Sexual Fantasy with a Chinese Knife, C-print, 70 x 70 cm, framed by artist
The Rhinoceros
Monumental Poetry, A1, A4, A3 size, 100 word poems for  a friend, 50, 100 and 150 euros
In order left ro right, top to bottom: Edmond Li-Bellefroid, Qiu Jie, Lu Feifei, Starts Group, Vu Dan Tan, Ji Dahai
Wensen Qi, scroll, price on request
Matthew Rose, Butterflies, collage, 40 x 30 cm, 1000 euros
Phénix Varbanov, Ink wash sur papier, 178 x 98 cm, 2500 euros chacun non encadré
Ru Xiaofan, Corbeaux de Van Gogh, coloured  ink sur Canson, 19 x 29 cm, 1300 euros
Manifeste Aesthethic, grande affiche
Ru Xiaofan, Hirondelles, Van Gogh, ink on Canson, 19 x 29 cm, 1300 euros
Renaud Gilles, Finished, Unfinished, oil on canvas, 290 cm x 205 cm
 Yang Jiinsong and lilies
Pradeep Mishra, Fields of Labour, Oxen at Mas de la Batelle, oil on canvas, 183 x 274 cm
Pradeep Mishra, Fields of Labour, Donkey, oil on canvas, 150 x 100 cm
Jean Paul Brussac, Trois colonnes en marbre des Pyrennees, price on request
Manifeste Aesthethic, Marbre rose du Portugal, 180 x 130 cm, socle en fer, prix sur demande
 Bruno Testore-Schmidt, dipychs, oil on canvas, 1200 euros
Antoine Leroux)-Dhuys, Lapin Agile, tirage numérique papier Canson, 150 x 110 cm, non encadré, édition de 5, 1500 les deux premières éditions 2000 les trois dernières
Julien Batifol, Drap paix, environ 200 x 150 cm, , lin brodé et peijnt, prix sur demande
 Ajay Sharma Bullet, oil on canvas, very large, price on request
 Julien Batifol, Drapaix, , petit format  250 euros
Stanislas Blohorn, Installation in-situ Toros sur l'étang de Vaccarrès, photo disponibles à la vente
Bruno Testore-Schmidt, diptyques, 1200 euros chacune
 Van Gogh’s room, works of Ru Xioafn, Gao Brothers, Yang Jinsong, Ji Dahai, etc
 Qiu Jie, D’apres Van Gogh, ink gouache sur papier de riz,  75 x 75 cm, 3500 euros
 Manifeste Aesthetic, marbre noir, petit format unique, 2500 euros
Le Manifeste!
Harold Ambellan, petit bronze
Jacqueline de Jonge, oils, price on request
Harold Ambellan, small bronze
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Ding Liren, Clouds, 1990s, Chinese ink gouache, 70 x 70 cm, price on request
 Edward Mills at work
 Edward Mills, Tu m'énerves parce que,.. extra large Monster drawing, 4500 euros
 Edward Mills, big Monster drawing, 100x 100 cm,  2000 euros
 Stanislas Blohorn, Installation of bull heads and chandelier, price on request
 Stanislas Blohorn, Têtes de taureaux sur le Vaccarès
 Guillaume Moschini, Encres sur toiles, divers formats
Diana Hajji, Angel d'après la Procession des Anges, pastel on Rizzo, 80 x 120cm, 1500 euros
 Renaud Gilles
Diana Hajji, Cross
Han Bing, Journey to the West still
Han Bing Mating Season, small and medium formats available
Han Bing, Sexus Natura, prints upon request
Antoine Leroux, Eventail, 150 x 100 cl, édition de cinq, tirage sans cadre, 1500 euros
Antoine Leroux-Dhuys, Salomé, Tirage sur papier Canson, 150 x 100 cm, 1500 euros édition de cinq (sans cadre)
Yang Jingsong, Fish, several formats, oils and aquarelles,  price on request
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