Based in Paris and Arles, Jia Happenings is PR and events company which provides consultancy for European or Chinese companies and individuals seeking a better understanding of European or Asian lifestyle.
From curated art shows, to cultural happenings and events and private tours, Jia Happenings is an ideal partner for either entering the Asian market or understanding the European scene.
Pia Camilla Copper founded Belle Beau Gallery in Arles in July 2020 with her partner, artistic director Julien Batifol, formerly an independent cinema producer turned artist. The gallery has moved from 14 rue de Grille to 24 rue de l’Hotel de Ville to 3 boulevard Georges Clemenceau, all in the old center. The gallery then changed once more to number three rue du Séminaire, creating a small annex Belle, Beau + Bon. The main headquarters of the gallery are now in the town of Tarascon in an old pharmacy. The PHARMACIE is opposite an old theater built the year Van Gogh painted in Provence (1888) and took the stage coach through the fields to arrive in Arles. Attracted by the cultural effervescence generated by LUMA, Lee U Fan Foundation and other galleries, art schools and creatives spaces, Belle Beau has chosen Arles and the “pays d’Arles”.
Pia Camilla Copper is a France-based Canadian writer, curator and art consultant. In 2006, she created the first contemporary Chinese art department in Europe at Artcurial, which also featured two yearly Chinese modern and contemporary art auctions and a series of talks about Chinese art with key figures such as Uli Sigg, Gu Zhengqing, etc. She also originated the idea of the Cutting Edge auction which featured art from emerging countries targeting young international collectors such as Iran, Arabia, North and South Korea, Russia, Vietnam and beyond.
She subsequently worked for Chinese and Iranian sales at Bonhams and Pierre Cornette de St-Cyr including expertise for smaller auction houses such as Eve auctions.
She writes articles about Asia and the Middle East for Randian, Vie des Arts, Esse magazine, Artlog, LVMH, etc.
She did her BA at McGill University, her MA at the INALCO on the poetry of Tang dynasty courtesan Xue Tao and her DEA at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes on the Taoist cult of the Bixia Yuanjun.
She founded the publishing company Horizons Editions in 2010 with Christopher Ind, focusing on large format photographic books about the Middle East and Asia.
The name Horizons was inspired by Freya Stark's words: “I think I like to look over the edge and see what’s coming… There’s something that is given to every living creature that has eyes, whether it’s a tiny mosquito or an elephant, and that’s a horizon.”
Contact Instagram/ belle.beau.arles or tarascon.lapharmacie
10 février -10 avril 2024
Yang Jinsong, PURE HEART a gentleman painter scholar from Sichuan. Un peintre junzi inspiré par la Provence de Cézanne, de Van Gogh et de Gauguin
Festival du dessin 22 avril au 4 mai au 3 rue du Séminaire et 3 blvd Clémenceau LIVE CONTEMPORARY DRAWING Joel Person Edward Mills Naomi Cook Qiu Jie Wu Xiaohai (ateliers de dessin avec les artistes sur rdvz)
11 Mars-7 avril
Stanislas Blohorn et PROJET DELTA à la Fondation Manuel Ortiz, rue de la Calade
Dîners privés DELTA et apéro gardian sur réservation et invitation tout l'été dans différents lieux pop up
Installation de Julien Batifol et les drappaix à la Hauture. Croix et drapais au 74 rue Portagnel à l’atelier sur rdv jusqu’au 19 juin.
31 mai-25 juillet chez Belle, Beau +Bon VAN GOGH IS THE BIG GUY, Qiu Jie, Naomi Cook, Edward Mills, Manifeste Aesthetic, Diana Hajji, Joel Person, Renaud Gilles, Guillaume Moschini, Matthew Rose (3 rue du Séminaire)
1 juillet-13 juillet SEXUS NATURA Han Bing, (3 boulevard Clémenceau) photographe de Pékin et de l'avant-garde, activiste écologiste et transgendre, une rétrospective en vidéo, photos et peintures avec performances in situ le 2 Juillet RSVP
1 juillet-9 juillet Your content goes against our community guidelines Antoine Leroux-Dhuys chez Belle, Beau +Bon (3 rue du Séminaire)
Antoine Leroux-Dhuys, en créant ou en détournant des images trouvées sur internet en œuvres érotiques et poétiques, explore les limites de la liberté d'expression sur les réseaux sociaux comme Instagram. Ses œuvres, souvent rejetées pour leur contenu provocateur, posent des questions fondamentales : pourquoi la nudité artistique, longtemps célébrée, est-elle maintenant bannie (et notamment sur les réseaux sociaux) ? Où se trouve la frontière entre censure et expression artistique ?
15 Juillet-31 Juillet (3 boulevard Clémenceau) PENUMBRA 2, LAURENT BAUDE EN TOUTE LIBERTE Laurent Baude, sculptures avant-gardes
Sculpteur fantaisiste, surréaliste, cutting edge, Laurent Baude nous emmène vers de nouveaux mondes colorés et oniriques. Né en 1956, diplomé des Beaux Arts de Paris, Laurent a fait de sa vie un voyage extraordinaire ou le merveilleux entre l'Ile Maurice, l'Egypte, le Liban, New York, Chicago et Paris, il a reçu entre autres le prix de Jackson Pollock / Lee Krasner.
Vernissage le 15 juillet sur les deux terrasses privées de 3 blvd Clemenceau RSVP de 18h-21h
15 septembre-15 novembre Harold Ambellan à Tarascon, La Pharmacie
Céramiques et petits tableaux d’un sculpteur américain né en 1912-2006)
Dear friends, Arles, always Arles!
We are looking forward to seeing you in June-July in Provence at our two locations : 3 blvd Clémenceau (behind the tree marked with the white cross, next to the pub on the main boulevard, blvd des Lices) and at our new annex, Belle, Beau + Bon at 3 rue du Séminaire (thanks to a new actor and patron from Arles) next to the Van Gogh Foundation where the STARRY NIGHT of the master Vincent Van Gogh is back after 136 years in Arles.
End of the summer, Belle Beau moves to its new headquarters to a fabulous and gigantic hotel particulier 12 rue Pelletan, place du théâtre, in TARASCON (15 minutes by train). The gallery will also launch the first Camargue Provence "general store- art concept store" called LA PHARMACIE.
February 10 - April 10, 2024 Yang Jinsong, PURE HEART a gentleman painter scholar from Sichuan. A Junzi painter inspired by the Provence of Cézanne, Van Gogh and Gauguin Drawing Festival April 22 to May 4 at 3 rue du Séminaire and 3 blvd Clémenceau
LIVE CONTEMPORARY DRAWING March 11-April 7 Joel Person Edward Mills Naomi Cook Qiu Ji Wu Xiaohai (drawing workshops with the artists by appointment) Stanislas Blohorn and DELTA PROJECT at the Manuel Ortiz Foundation Private DELTA dinners and Gardian aperitif by reservation and invitation all summer in different pop-up locations
POETRY NIGHT May 28 Installation of Julien Batifol and the drappaix at La Hauture
VAN GOGH IS THE BIG GUY (inspired by the Tarry Night exhibition next door) May 31-July 25 at Belle, Beau +Bon (3 rue du Séminaire) , Qiu Jie, Naomi Cook, Edward Mills, Manifeste Aesthetic, Diana Hajji, Joel Person, Renaud Gilles, Guillaume Moschini, Matthew Rose July
SEXUS NATURA Han Bing 1-July 13 (3 Boulevard Clémenceau) , Beijing and avant-garde photographer, environmentalist and transgender activist, a retrospective in video, photos and paintings with in situ performances on July 2 RSVP at 930 PM at the Roman Arena.
Your content goes against our community guidelines Antoine Leroux-Dhuys July 1- July 9 at Belle, Beau +Bon (3 rue du Séminaire)
Antoine Leroux-Dhuys, creates erotic and poetic works from images sourced on the internet, pushing the lines of freedom of expression. His works, sometimes rejected for their provocative content, ask fundamental questions: why is artistic nudity, long celebrated, now banned (and particularly on social networks)? What is the fine line between censorship and artistic expression? Vernissage 2 July 6-9 at 3 rue du Séminaire and performance 2nd July 930 PM les Arenas with afterparty at blvd Cléménceau.
PENUMBRA 2: LAURENT BAUDE, ART IS for FREE SPIRITS! Laurent Baude, July 15-July 31 (3 Boulevard Clémenceau) avant-garde sculpture! Fanciful, free, surrealist in inspiration, a joyful manifestation of art brut, a cutting edge figure of the avant-garde, Laurent Baude takes us on a journey of the imagination to new colorful and dreamlike worlds.
Born in 1956, a graduate from the Beaux Arts in Paris, Laurent has made his life an extraordinary or marvelous aesthethic journey between Mauritius, Egypt, Lebanon, New York, Chicago and Paris, where he received among others, the Jackson Pollock / Lee Krasner prize.
Vernissage 15 July by invitation, drinks and chatter with the wonderful Laurent Baude only RSVP for private drinks on two of Arles most exclusive and private terrasses.
Character written by Qiu Jie
La galerie Belle Beau 由 Pia Camilla Copper 创立,总部位于阿尔勒。艺术总监是 Julien Batifol。嘉公关活动策划致力为欧洲, 中国公司或个人展现欧洲, 亚洲生活文化形态, 为双方寻求共赏共识 。嘉公关驻于巴黎,专注于文化,创意的顾问机构。
从艺术展览策划到举办文化项目活动, 私人导游, 嘉公关是您进入亚洲市场或深入认识欧洲文化意识的最佳伙伴。
嘉公关由Pia Camilla Copper 女仕所创办。
Pia Camilla Copper 女仕,一位 驻于巴黎的加拿大作家,艺术展览策化人。2006年,她为法国拍卖行Artcurial 在欧洲创立了第一个现代中国艺术部,并于两年间举行了一系列的中国现代艺术拍卖和学术演讲,涉及的大师有Uli Sigg, 顾正清等等。之后, 她为Bonhams 和 Pierre Cornette de St-Cyr 拍卖行工作过。
她亦开托了现代前瞻艺术销售,包括新兴国家:北韩,伊朗,俄罗斯,韩国等等国家的 年轻艺术家作品.
Copper 女仕在麦基尔大学 McGill University取得文学士学位, 法国国立东方语言文化学院 INALCO取得文学硕士学位, 主修唐朝女诗人薛涛, 再于法国高等应用学院 Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes 研究道教的碧霞元君取得法国硕士学位。
Copper 女仕编写和导演了一部特色影片 Poste Restante, 亦写了几本小说包括 ‘中凡与我’,Les Yeux Tartares and travel diaries, Shanghai Xiaoxin, In the Rose Light of the Desert Timbuktu Appears, Frontières de Soie.
她与丈 夫 Christopher Ind 在2010年创办了Horizons Editions, 专门出版毛泽东和 毛泽东相关艺术作品。
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